Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Get Rid of Birds with Bird Repellents


by Fran Prisco

Each year building owners, property managers and homeowners spend thousands of dollars to repair and clean up after pest birds.  Birds such as pigeons and gulls have been known to destroy roofing material and insulation when building nests on buildings.  Pest bird droppings can carry any of 60 plus transmittable diseases.  When bird droppings are on sidewalks and walkways they are a safety hazard, causing slip and falls.  The droppings are also acidic and can quickly erode building materials.  A good example of this is a Shell gas station in Yuma California.  The canopy partially collapsed due to a build up of pigeon droppings and rainwater.  Luckily no one was injured, however, there where cars that where damaged under the canopy.  One of the best ways to get rid of birds from commercial businesses is to install bird repellents.

Before installing any type of bird repellent, it is important to do a thorough cleanup. It is best to power wash or spray bird droppings down and remove them while wet.  Dried bird droppings can cause dust which when breathed in may carry any of 60 plus communicable diseases.   Bird Droppings are also acidic and can quickly erode building and roofing materials, not to mention that they are a safety hazard on sidewalks, causing slip and fall accidents.

Bird Repellents

Bird Spikes are probably the easiest to install and one of the most effective bird repellents.    They are ideal for roof edges and peaks, parapet walls, windowsills and ledges.  Installing bird spikes is as easy and gluing or screwing onto the surface.  Be sure to cover the entire surface with bird spikes so that the pigeons do not have anywhere to land.  Once installed the spikes are virtually invisible and very easy to maintain. 

Electronic Bird Repellers are electrified track that give pigeons a small “jolt” when they touch the track.  They are easily installed on parapet walls, roof edges and peaks, ledges and even channel letters.  Install the track with an outdoor adhesive and connect to a solar or direct charger.  When the pigeons are “Zapped” by the electrical current running through the track, they will change their landing and roosting habits and find another more comfortable area.  Electric bird repellents are low profile, usually no more than ¼” high, which does not take away from the buildings aesthetics.  These bird control tracks are one of the most specified systems by architects, government offices and contractors.

Bird Spiders are used when pigeons are a problem on roof top machinery such as A.C. Units, vents and air handlers.  Pigeons will often land and roost on roof top A.C. units because all of their needs are provided, water, rocks or stones and shelter.  Installing bird spiders on these units will get rid of birds from the rooftops.  The Bird Spider is a visual and physical bird repellent used to prevent large birds from landing.  The Bird Spiders’ “arms” bounce and sway in the wind. This creates a visual distraction that frightens birds away from the treated area. 

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