Friday, August 5, 2011

Bird Repellents for Historical Buildings


by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds have been known to cause major damage wherever they gather in large numbers. One type of building that seems particularly vulnerable is the historical building. This is because many of these structures are constructed of limestone or calciferous sandstone, materials that easily succumb to the effects of acids released by bird droppings. These corrosive acids are produced by the organisms that live on and in the droppings.
The fungi that live on pigeon droppings, for example, are primarily responsible for corroding stonework. The root-like mycelium of the fungi enter the stone, transporting the naturally produced acids into the stone to eventually dissolve it. This makes the stone more porous, allowing water to penetrate the deep recesses of the stonework. When this water freezes during the winter, the expanding ice crystals weaken the stone, causing the stone to break up into chips. Water also causes soluble salts in the stone to re-crystallize, creating a bloom of salts on the surface of the stone. If this crystallization occurs just below the surface, the crystals exert pressure on the stone's pores and the stone will eventually crumble.

City Managers Taking a Pro-Active Approach

In an effort to protect a city's historical landmarks and buildings, city managers have come to the conclusion that they must become proactive is repelling pest birds. To this end, many cities have decided to employ a number of humane bird repellents on or near their historic landmarks.

Variety of Bird Repellents

Unlike poisons, shotguns and similar culling methods, today's bird repellants are humane and highly effective. These new bird control methods rely on technology and a bit of bird psychology. All are easy to install and require very little maintenance.

Historically Proven Bird Spikes 

The highly acclaimed Bird Spike is among the most widely used pest bird deterrent.  These simple devices rely on their ability to prevent larger birds from landing on any surface upon which they are installed. The threatening-looking spikes are made of either stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate. The blunted spikes are harmless to birds or humans, having won the approval of the U.S. Humane Society and PICAS.

Bird spikes come in a wide range of types, sizes and colors. Many manufacturers offer spike strips in 3-, 5- and 7-inch widths. Stainless steel spike strips typically come in 1", 3", 5" and 8" widths. These are available in two-foot sections and are easily installed using glue, nails or screws. Some spikes have a flexible base, which allows them to follow curved surfaces. Crush proof spikes with a non-reflective metal finish are ideal fro historical buildings.
To discourage larger pest birds, opt for Stainless Steel Girder Spikes. These usually come in standard two-foot sections and 3”, 5”, and 8” widths. The spikes use adjustable “C” clamps along the base, which makes them easier to install. For large birds like seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures, and raptors, there's the Mega Spike, which has long 7” high spikes made of marine-grade stainless steel.

To keep pest birds from clogging exterior drains and gutters, there's the Gutter Spike. Ideal for repelling seagulls, crows and pigeons, these spikes come in two-foot long spike strips and adjustable base clamps for easy installation.

Spiders For Out of the Way Ledges

The handy Bird Spider is an ideal bird repellent that, like the spike, discourages pest birds from landing. Essentially bases with spider-like tentacles waving in the breeze, spiders are easily placed just about anywhere; ideally used on rooftops covering vents and AC units. They come with different length spider arms to deter a wide range of bird types and sizes.

Watch 'em Slip on these Nifty Slopes

Bird Slopes deny all pest birds the ability to land. As a bird repellent, they are surprisingly simple and very effective.  The PVC panels create a slippery angled slope birds can't seem to get a grip on. Aesthetically pleasing and available in several different colors, bird slopes blend in easily with most architectural designs. They are easy to install and ideal for use on eaves, ledges, beams and other 90-degree areas.

Icky, Sticky Bird Repellent

Pest birds will land on this bird repellent and never come back. Widely used on buildings and other structures, Bird Gel is basically a sticky chemical goo that birds hate. It's safe for birds and is easy to apply to almost any surface using a standard caulking gun.

Your Basic Netting Bird Deterrent

Keeping them off by keeping them out is a simple tactic that has worked for centuries against pest birds. Thus the raison d'tre of Bird Netting. This simple but effective bird deterrent comes in several different mesh sizes to deter all manner of pest birds--including pigeons, sparrows, starlings and seagulls. The best bird netting is flame resistant, U.V. stabilized, and rot and waterproof. Netting also comes in various colors to blend in better with surrounding architectures.

Electrical Repellents Give Pest Birds a Charge

Electric Track Bird Repellants are both humane and effective. Pest birds daring to land get zapped on these electrified tracks. These devices are simple to install and will repel a variety of birds--including pigeons, seagulls and larger birds. The best electric tracks incorporate a flow-through design that prevents water from pooling around them.

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