Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bird Spikes Can Save Your Commercial Building


by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds can become a hugely expensive problem for commercial building owners. Initially, you may only have a few birds on your building, but the scent of birds roosting and nesting will quickly attract other birds. Before you know it, you’ll have a swarm of birds laying claim to your rooftops, AC units, junction boxes and other elevated areas on your building.

The nests and feathers will eventually clog your rain gutters, rain spouts and vents. The birds will cover your skylights with bird droppings and debris. Over time, the bird droppings will jam up anything that slides or moves on your roof, windows and doorways. Bird droppings will have to be cleaned off skip loaders, power dollies and pallet trucks. Expediters and shipping crews will have to remove bird droppings from product labels and boxes. And they’ll have to avoid bird droppings on walkways and loading docks to keep from slipping and falling.

Bird droppings can also obscure and eventually eat into your signage. Birds nesting inside electrical signs can cause a short and possibly a fire--the last thing you need in this economy.  Birds can even damage your roof over time. This can lead to leaks and expensive damage to products and computers inside the building.
As you can see, the headaches and expenses associated with pest birds go on and on. And they won’t stop until you implement an effective bird proofing strategy.
Bird Spikes are one way to solve the pest bird problem. They simply won’t allow large birds to land wherever they’re installed. That means they can’t gather to perch, roost or nest. In which case, they will move on.

When you order bird spikes, they come in spiked strips in your choice of stainless steel spikes or plastic spikes. The stainless steel spikes are extremely durable and will last many years. The plastic spikes are less expensive, non-conductive, virtually invisible, and they even come in a variety of colors-- including crystal clear, brick red, light grey, brown, black and tan.

If you go with the plastic bird spikes, choose the ones made of rigid U.V.-resistant unbreakable polycarbonate. They resist weathering and sun exposure. By the way, bird spikes are blunted at the tips, so they won’t harm birds or installation crews. They have been approved by virtually every humane group in the world--including The Humane Society of the United States and PICAS.

If your commercial building is being invaded by large birds like gulls, cormorants, turkey vultures or raptors, you might want to invest in a product called the Mega Bird Spike. These massive 7-inch spikes will convince even the most stubborn birds to move on. Made of marine-grade stainless steel, Mega spikes are designed to last for years.

To keep pest birds out of rain gutters and drain spouts, you’ll need Gutter Bird Spikes. They’ve been especially designed to keep seagulls, crows, and pigeons out of gutters. The best Gutter spikes have adjustable clamps that allow them to easily attach to the lip of a gutter.

With proper instruction, your maintenance crew will be able to install bird spikes fairly quickly. The spike strips can be glued down, nailed or screwed into most any surface. The best bird spikes are already pre-drilled with holes or glue troughs for easy mounting.

Before installing bird spikes, your maintenance crews should first thoroughly clean the surface. That means removing any loose rust, peeling paint, bird droppings, feathers and nesting materials. The use of commercial disinfecting cleaning agents is recommended to prevent exposure to any of the 60 known airborne diseases carried by birds. It’s also advisable to provide eye and respiratory protection if the area is heavily contaminated with bird droppings.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bird Repellents for Banks


by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds can be a real nuisance. So much so that they can actually drive customers away form your place of business.

In the parking lot of Hallandale Beach bank in South Florida, birds have been attacking people for some time now. The slender-billed grackles have been nesting on a ledge just outside of the bank and have been swooping down on customers. Some believe that the birds who arrived about four years ago are simply protecting their turf. Bank officials say their hands are tied because the grackles are a protected species, so no lethal means can be used to remove them. The birds make their attack runs just before the bank closes, which is when most people are coming and going out of the bank. One woman was recently attacked by five birds and ran for the cover of her car.

Banks and other commercial enterprises needn’t stand by helplessly as their customers are attacked by birds. There are a number of commercial available bird repellents that they can use to discourage the birds from nesting on their premises. Two of these bird repellents are listed below:

Chemical Bird Repellents

Humane and effective against a wide variety of large and small birds, Chemical Bird Repellents create a sticky landing area that birds would rather avoid.  While not actually trapping them, it makes birds feel trapped. Once they land on the tacky surface, they will leave and seek a more hospitable area to build their nests. Ideal for keeping birds off ledges, trees, fences and bushes or shrubs, the non-toxic liquid gel won't harm birds or people. It’s easily applied using a hand or pressure spray gun with a discharge pressure between 40 to 150 psi (you can get these hand-held pump sprayers at most local hardware stores). A one-gallon container will treat about 120 square feet. And a single application lasts as long as six months outdoors. One caveat: Avoid using chemical bird repellents on building structures, vertical or porous surfaces, or where birds have been nesting.

Fogging Agents

An ideal pest bird repellent, Bird Fogging Agents will clear out a wide range of birds that stubbornly resist leaving an area. They will “persuade” gulls, mallards, Canada geese, pigeons, starlings, blackbirds, cowbirds and many other species of birds to move to another site.  If pest birds have commandeered your building, one quick way to convince them to leave is by fogging the area. Most fogging agents are humane and won't harm birds, people or pets. This is because the chemical they use is a food-grade methyl anthranilate—basically a non-lethal grape extract regulated by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) under FIFRA (the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act). 

For best repellent effect, fogging agents should be used in the early morning or late evening when the birds are flocked together and eating. Keep in mind that these chemicals require training and experience to properly handle and apply. If you have a bird problem, it’s best to consult an experienced professional.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bird Repellent Strategies for Apartment Owners


One of the biggest problems faced by apartment owners and their management companies is pest bird infestation. Most buildings have at least one renter who refuses to allow pest control professionals to rid the property of birds. To assuage this difficult renter, owners need to adopt non-lethal and humane bird repellent strategies.

Aside from this minor problem, apartment managers should consider implementing a multi-pronged approach to rid their properties of pest birds. One must go beyond the one-size-fits-all solution to bird control. But before any bird repellent program is implemented, managers should take the following prudent steps to ensure maximum effectiveness:

Inspection. See where the birds are concentrated, where they nest and roost. Look for nests, telltale signs of droppings, and feathers. You may be surprised at the damage birds have already caused to the painted surfaces, wood, roofing tiles, and electrical equipment and wiring. AC units and rain gutters are particularly vulnerable. As are swimming pool areas, which can become easily contaminated with bird droppings. And, of course, there's the legal liability of slip-and-fall hazards that bird droppings create.

Identification. Identify the types and size of pest birds on the property. Take photographs if the birds seem unfamiliar to you. This will help your pest control company choose the right bird repellent for your particular problem.

Monitor. Once your bird control company has installed the proper bird repellent on your property, monitor the effectiveness of the repellent. If birds continue to nest or roost on the property or they decide to move to another area of the property, take note and notify the bird control company.  This will allow them to alter their bird repellent strategy to fit the new situation.

Exclusion. If pest birds are finding their way inside the attic areas or other enclosed areas of your units, your bird control company may decide to employ exclusionary bird repellent techniques—like bird netting. Copper mesh may also be used to seal up smaller entry points.

Sanitation. Pest birds are often drawn to food scraps found in and around refuse dumpsters.  These areas should be kept clean and dumpster lids should always be kept shut. Bushes, trees and shrubbery should be kept well maintained to eliminate possible nesting and roosting areas. Leaky pipes or poor drainage should be addressed as birds are always on the lookout for easy access to water.

Treatment. Depending on the type of pest bird that has invaded your apartment complex, your bird repellent strategy may include variations in devices. For example, you pest control company may decide to use netting, bird spikes on the rooftops and ledges, followed by non-lethal chemical bird repellents.

Educate Tenants. Let them know that you will be using bird repellent strategies to deter birds from your property. Tell them that the methods you will be using are essentially harmless to birds and humans. And remind them not to feed any birds coming around the property. Also let them know that you are doing this to protect them from any of the 60 diseases that many pest birds carry, disease that are serious and communicable. The goal is to enroll them in your bird repellent efforts.
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Bird Repellents for Historical Buildings


by Alex A. Kecskes

Pest birds have been known to cause major damage wherever they gather in large numbers. One type of building that seems particularly vulnerable is the historical building. This is because many of these structures are constructed of limestone or calciferous sandstone, materials that easily succumb to the effects of acids released by bird droppings. These corrosive acids are produced by the organisms that live on and in the droppings.
The fungi that live on pigeon droppings, for example, are primarily responsible for corroding stonework. The root-like mycelium of the fungi enter the stone, transporting the naturally produced acids into the stone to eventually dissolve it. This makes the stone more porous, allowing water to penetrate the deep recesses of the stonework. When this water freezes during the winter, the expanding ice crystals weaken the stone, causing the stone to break up into chips. Water also causes soluble salts in the stone to re-crystallize, creating a bloom of salts on the surface of the stone. If this crystallization occurs just below the surface, the crystals exert pressure on the stone's pores and the stone will eventually crumble.

City Managers Taking a Pro-Active Approach

In an effort to protect a city's historical landmarks and buildings, city managers have come to the conclusion that they must become proactive is repelling pest birds. To this end, many cities have decided to employ a number of humane bird repellents on or near their historic landmarks.

Variety of Bird Repellents

Unlike poisons, shotguns and similar culling methods, today's bird repellants are humane and highly effective. These new bird control methods rely on technology and a bit of bird psychology. All are easy to install and require very little maintenance.

Historically Proven Bird Spikes 

The highly acclaimed Bird Spike is among the most widely used pest bird deterrent.  These simple devices rely on their ability to prevent larger birds from landing on any surface upon which they are installed. The threatening-looking spikes are made of either stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate. The blunted spikes are harmless to birds or humans, having won the approval of the U.S. Humane Society and PICAS.

Bird spikes come in a wide range of types, sizes and colors. Many manufacturers offer spike strips in 3-, 5- and 7-inch widths. Stainless steel spike strips typically come in 1", 3", 5" and 8" widths. These are available in two-foot sections and are easily installed using glue, nails or screws. Some spikes have a flexible base, which allows them to follow curved surfaces. Crush proof spikes with a non-reflective metal finish are ideal fro historical buildings.
To discourage larger pest birds, opt for Stainless Steel Girder Spikes. These usually come in standard two-foot sections and 3”, 5”, and 8” widths. The spikes use adjustable “C” clamps along the base, which makes them easier to install. For large birds like seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures, and raptors, there's the Mega Spike, which has long 7” high spikes made of marine-grade stainless steel.

To keep pest birds from clogging exterior drains and gutters, there's the Gutter Spike. Ideal for repelling seagulls, crows and pigeons, these spikes come in two-foot long spike strips and adjustable base clamps for easy installation.

Spiders For Out of the Way Ledges

The handy Bird Spider is an ideal bird repellent that, like the spike, discourages pest birds from landing. Essentially bases with spider-like tentacles waving in the breeze, spiders are easily placed just about anywhere; ideally used on rooftops covering vents and AC units. They come with different length spider arms to deter a wide range of bird types and sizes.

Watch 'em Slip on these Nifty Slopes

Bird Slopes deny all pest birds the ability to land. As a bird repellent, they are surprisingly simple and very effective.  The PVC panels create a slippery angled slope birds can't seem to get a grip on. Aesthetically pleasing and available in several different colors, bird slopes blend in easily with most architectural designs. They are easy to install and ideal for use on eaves, ledges, beams and other 90-degree areas.

Icky, Sticky Bird Repellent

Pest birds will land on this bird repellent and never come back. Widely used on buildings and other structures, Bird Gel is basically a sticky chemical goo that birds hate. It's safe for birds and is easy to apply to almost any surface using a standard caulking gun.

Your Basic Netting Bird Deterrent

Keeping them off by keeping them out is a simple tactic that has worked for centuries against pest birds. Thus the raison d'tre of Bird Netting. This simple but effective bird deterrent comes in several different mesh sizes to deter all manner of pest birds--including pigeons, sparrows, starlings and seagulls. The best bird netting is flame resistant, U.V. stabilized, and rot and waterproof. Netting also comes in various colors to blend in better with surrounding architectures.

Electrical Repellents Give Pest Birds a Charge

Electric Track Bird Repellants are both humane and effective. Pest birds daring to land get zapped on these electrified tracks. These devices are simple to install and will repel a variety of birds--including pigeons, seagulls and larger birds. The best electric tracks incorporate a flow-through design that prevents water from pooling around them.

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Birds Becoming a Pest? Time for Some Bird Repellent


by Alex A. Kecskes

They sing and chip and look cute as a button. But when they gather in flocks, they become truly annoying and very costly pests. Yes, some birds can be a real nuisance. And after you've tried waving your arms, shouting, using water hoses and everything short of black magic, there comes a time when you say to yourself, "I need the kind of bird repellent the pros use."

Whether you're a homeowner, boat owner or a facilities or city manager, you probably know the damage pest birds can cause. Their poop can discolor paint, ruin wood, and eventually turn metal into something resembling cardboard. They can turn a fine stone statue into a façade that looks more like a coral reef. Even worse, bird deposits can carry and transmit any of 60 known diseases. The point is, pest birds create millions of dollars of damage every year. So the sooner you keep them away from your property, the better.

Lucky for you, people have made it their life's work to learn what pest birds hate. Better still, you can avail yourself of the many products borne out of this research--bird repellants that are humane, inexpensive and easy to install. Bird repellents that work.

If you're troubled by flocks of pigeons and other large birds, the Bird Spike can be your best friend. These repellents are basically strips of spikes made of rigid unbreakable polycarbonate, perfect for discouraging pest birds from landing on rooftops, signs and other elevated areas and building tops. In some cases, where conductivity or radio interference is not an issue, flexible stainless steel spikes are available.

For flat surfaces, awnings and patio covers, there's the Bird Spider. The spider arms wiggle and wave in the breeze, so birds will simply look for another place to land. Spiders come in various diameters to discourage all manner of bird sizes. They're basically maintenance free and harmless to birds.

Birds Becoming a Pest? Time for Some Bird Repellent


by Alex A. Kecskes

They sing and chip and look cute as a button. But when they gather in flocks, they become truly annoying and very costly pests. Yes, some birds can be a real nuisance. And after you've tried waving your arms, shouting, using water hoses and everything short of black magic, there comes a time when you say to yourself, "I need the kind of bird repellent the pros use."

Whether you're a homeowner, boat owner or a facilities or city manager, you probably know the damage pest birds can cause. Their poop can discolor paint, ruin wood, and eventually turn metal into something resembling cardboard. They can turn a fine stone statue into a façade that looks more like a coral reef. Even worse, bird deposits can carry and transmit any of 60 known diseases. The point is, pest birds create millions of dollars of damage every year. So the sooner you keep them away from your property, the better.

Lucky for you, people have made it their life's work to learn what pest birds hate. Better still, you can avail yourself of the many products borne out of this research--bird repellants that are humane, inexpensive and easy to install. Bird repellents that work.

If you're troubled by flocks of pigeons and other large birds, the Bird Spike can be your best friend. These repellents are basically strips of spikes made of rigid unbreakable polycarbonate, perfect for discouraging pest birds from landing on rooftops, signs and other elevated areas and building tops. In some cases, where conductivity or radio interference is not an issue, flexible stainless steel spikes are available.

For flat surfaces, awnings and patio covers, there's the Bird Spider. The spider arms wiggle and wave in the breeze, so birds will simply look for another place to land. Spiders come in various diameters to discourage all manner of bird sizes. They're basically maintenance free and harmless to birds.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to Keep Birds Off Windowsills and Rooflines


by Alex A. Kecskes

Birds will often gather on windowsills because they provide a perch and shelter. If pest birds tend to gather on your windowsill and leave dollops of bird droppings for you to clean up every day, you may have to implement some serious bird proofing measures. Aside from jamming up your windows, bird droppings can carry any of 60 known diseases--including West Nile Virus, Avian Flu, and Histoplasmosis--which can waft into your home whenever you open your window. In addition, the uric acid in bird droppings can eat into the paint, wood, vinyl or aluminum of your windowsill and permanently mar these surfaces.

To discourage birds from gathering on your windowsills, you can use a product called Transparent Bird Gel. Ideal for use against both small and large pest birds, this gel is a low-profile bird deterrent that works well anywhere pest birds have become a nuisance. Bird gel comes in a standard 10-ounce caulking tube, 12 tubes per case. Each tube of bird gel is enough to effectively treat an area approximately 10 feet long by 3 inches wide. The gel is easily applied using a standard caulking gun and it stays sticky and effective for up to six months outdoors.

Incidentally, if you have birds flying into your window, or pecking at it, there are decals you can apply to the window that will help birds recognize the surface and ignore their reflection.
If, on the other hand, pest birds are always pecking and pooping on your rooflines, you’ve got an equally annoying and potentially costly problem. Birds often gather on the highest points of a house to gain the best vantage point for predators and food. The problem is, birds often tear apart food items they bring up to your roof. This involves pecking at it with their beaks and ripping at it with their claws. This can damage and degrade the roofing crowns and tiles, and eventually cause leaks.

Here, again, Transparent Bird Gels can be an effective bird control option. But you can also use Bird Spikes to get rid of birds on rooflines. The spiked strips create a most inhospitable landing zone that birds would much rather avoid. Blunted and safe for birds, pets and people, the spikes come in durable stainless steel or stiff, unbreakable polycarbonate. To blend in more naturally with your roofline, poly spikes now come in several colors--including crystal clear, brick red, light grey, brown, black and tan. Another advantage plastic spikes offer is that they can be used in areas where steel spikes might cause signal interference problems with your TV dish or ham radio antenna. Bird spikes with a U.V.-protected polycarbonate base are recommended in harsh weather.

For homes near the sea or other large body of water, there's the Mega Spike, which features intimidating 7-inch spikes to deter seagulls, cormorants, turkey vultures and raptors. The marine-grade stainless steel spikes are extremely durable. You can also get crush-proof, non-reflective spikes with a metal finish that blend in aesthetically on most roofs.
Finally, there are the Bird Sonics. These bird repellent devices can keep birds from landing, roosting and nesting anywhere near your home—including windowsills and rooflines. The devices emit predator and distress sounds that birds instinctively want to avoid. They also exploit a bird's natural fear of predators, as well as their acutely sensitive hearing (birds can process sounds in 1/200th of a second; humans process sounds in 1/20th of a second).
Sonic bird deterrents are ideal for deterring pigeons, crows, starlings, swallows, gulls, woodpeckers, sparrows, grackles, cormorants and many others. One sonic system on the market blasts the sound of Peregrine falcons (a pigeon's dreaded enemy) defending their territory. Another system targets starlings and seagulls, emitting the sounds of predator hawk screeching and gulls under attack.

The best sonic systems will continually alter the pitch, frequency, timing and intensity of their sounds. This keeps pest birds “on their toes” so that they won’t become accustomed to repetitive sounds. One popular system emits distress and predator calls for as many as 22 types of birds. The calls are repeated regularly--about once every fifteen minutes.
The other good thing about today's sonic bird deterrents is that they are highly effective without harming birds, pets or humans. In many cases, the sounds they emit sound like normal bird sounds to the human ear.

Keep in mind that the longer birds inhabit an area, the harder it is to get rid of birds. So act as soon as you notice a problem with effective bird control measures. This can prevent many costly repairs later on.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Get Rid of Birds with Bird Repellents


by Fran Prisco

Each year building owners, property managers and homeowners spend thousands of dollars to repair and clean up after pest birds.  Birds such as pigeons and gulls have been known to destroy roofing material and insulation when building nests on buildings.  Pest bird droppings can carry any of 60 plus transmittable diseases.  When bird droppings are on sidewalks and walkways they are a safety hazard, causing slip and falls.  The droppings are also acidic and can quickly erode building materials.  A good example of this is a Shell gas station in Yuma California.  The canopy partially collapsed due to a build up of pigeon droppings and rainwater.  Luckily no one was injured, however, there where cars that where damaged under the canopy.  One of the best ways to get rid of birds from commercial businesses is to install bird repellents.

Before installing any type of bird repellent, it is important to do a thorough cleanup. It is best to power wash or spray bird droppings down and remove them while wet.  Dried bird droppings can cause dust which when breathed in may carry any of 60 plus communicable diseases.   Bird Droppings are also acidic and can quickly erode building and roofing materials, not to mention that they are a safety hazard on sidewalks, causing slip and fall accidents.

Bird Repellents

Bird Spikes are probably the easiest to install and one of the most effective bird repellents.    They are ideal for roof edges and peaks, parapet walls, windowsills and ledges.  Installing bird spikes is as easy and gluing or screwing onto the surface.  Be sure to cover the entire surface with bird spikes so that the pigeons do not have anywhere to land.  Once installed the spikes are virtually invisible and very easy to maintain. 

Electronic Bird Repellers are electrified track that give pigeons a small “jolt” when they touch the track.  They are easily installed on parapet walls, roof edges and peaks, ledges and even channel letters.  Install the track with an outdoor adhesive and connect to a solar or direct charger.  When the pigeons are “Zapped” by the electrical current running through the track, they will change their landing and roosting habits and find another more comfortable area.  Electric bird repellents are low profile, usually no more than ¼” high, which does not take away from the buildings aesthetics.  These bird control tracks are one of the most specified systems by architects, government offices and contractors.

Bird Spiders are used when pigeons are a problem on roof top machinery such as A.C. Units, vents and air handlers.  Pigeons will often land and roost on roof top A.C. units because all of their needs are provided, water, rocks or stones and shelter.  Installing bird spiders on these units will get rid of birds from the rooftops.  The Bird Spider is a visual and physical bird repellent used to prevent large birds from landing.  The Bird Spiders’ “arms” bounce and sway in the wind. This creates a visual distraction that frightens birds away from the treated area. 

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Bird Repellents Can Reduce Your Pest Bird Expense

by Alex A. Kecskes
Every year, pest birds take their toll on property, public and private. They cause millions of dollars of damage, defacing our most noble statues, eating our food, damaging expensive equipment and even downing our aircraft. Perhaps the most unusual incident involving pest birds occurred just outside Geneva, where the super-cooled magnets in sector 81 of the Large Hadron Collider began to dangerously overheat. (The cooler's particle accelerator must maintain a temperature colder than deep space.) When scientists rushed to diagnose the problem, they discovered that a passing bird might have dropped a chunk of bread on an electrical substation above the accelerator, causing a power cut. Just goes to show you, there's no limit to what pest birds can do. Which is why so many have adopted the use of bird repellants.
Bird Repellents Can Stem Losses

Homeowners across the country have sought relief from pest birds. Birds have damaged their roofs and contaminated their pools and spas. Bird nests have clogged their gutters and bird droppings have eaten into paint and siding. As a result, bird repellents are now seen as a necessity for most smart homeowners.

As for building owners and facilities managers, they're taking a pro-active approach to pest birds, installing bird repellents wherever they can. They're tired of writing big repair and maintenance checks for bird damaged air conditioning equipment. And who wants to invest in solar panels when pest birds just poop all over them, ruining their efficiency and, in some cases, damaging them permanently? Outdoor lights, security cameras, and other electrical equipment can quickly fall victim to the ravages of bird droppings. In today's tough times, deterring pest birds is a matter of survival.

Bird droppings can present a particularly acute problem for the food and restaurant industry. Bird droppings on outdoor tables and chairs can be a real turn off at the local bistro. Birds, while fun to watch and feed, have been known to carry any of 60 diseases--including the West Nile virus. In this area, bird repellents can serve a life-saving function.

Even before food is presented for consumption, pest birds can take their bite out of profits. Birds can and have invaded warehouses, packing plants and food preparation areas. They have eaten through cardboard and plastic packaging to contaminate all types of food products. This is where bird repellents can really stem food losses.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Bird Repellents Have Come a Long Way


by Alex A. Kecskes

Not too long ago, if you wanted to get rid of pest birds, there weren't too many options when it came to bird repellents. You could get out your trusty shotgun and pepper them with birdshot, or whip out your booming bird cannon--its ear-splitting bang scattered birds by the hundreds. Trouble was, you could only use cannon in an open field far from civilization. The same basically held true for shotguns. You couldn't just open fire in the suburbs, near parks or city buildings, or anywhere people live, work or gather in large numbers. Another problem with these "one-shot" bird repellents was that pest birds would almost always come back. Culling pest birds by poison was and still is frowned upon by most people, especially local governments and animal rights groups.

Only recently have bird repellents emerged as truly effective, viable and humane. Such devices and methods are long overdue. For pest birds cost the U.S. millions of dollars annually in damage and repair. Homeowners, boat owners, facilities managers and public municipalities all have faced the problems pest birds create. Each has their own special set of problems, which accounts for the growing variety of bird repellents one now has to choose from.

Homeowners Under Siege

For example, homeowners can relate to roof damage, a persistent and costly problem caused by pest birds. The acid in bird droppings will, over time, eat through many substrates, especially tar-based roofing materials. It doesn't take long for bird droppings  to destroy an average roof. The problem becomes worse when birds build their nests in rain gutters, drains and roof corners, allowing water to build up and spread under tiles and shingles. This kind of prolonged water damage can cause a roof to collapse, creating a big expense for homeowners. Birds have also been known to build nests in infrequently used chimneys. This can trap lethal carbon monoxide gas when the fireplace is eventually used. The new breed of bird repellents has taken center stage in helping homeowners deter pest birds.

Building Owners and Facilities Managers Feel the Pain 

Building owners and facilities managers have also suffered from the ravages of pest birds. The acid in bird droppings can ruin air conditioning equipment, block and eat into solar panels, and crumble electrical insulation. The sheer bulk and accumulation of bird droppings can seize up rooftop ventilation turbines and block industrial skylights. Fresh bird droppings can also create dangerous slip-and-fall hazards for maintenance and repair crews. Birds nesting in electrical boxes or near machinery can ignite fires, since their twig and straw nests are highly flammable. Then there are the health hazards pest birds create. Bird droppings have been known to carry any of 60 diseases. The need for effective bird repellents has never been greater for facilities managers and building owners.

Big Problem for Food Industry 

The food industry knows fair well the problems caused by pest birds. Bird droppings destroy plastics and contaminate packaged food. Birds can invade warehouses, packing plants and food preparation areas to easily contaminate food being processed or formulated. And what restaurant hasn't lost customers from pest birds contaminating signs and outdoor eating areas? Clearly bird repellents area sorely needed to prevent serious business losses.

Most Effective Bird Repellents

For homeowners and boat owners, the bird repellent that has been widely used with considerable success is the Bird Scare device. These are the flashy, reflective foil and shiny tape banners you'll see on boats and patios. They wave and rattle in the breeze, creating an “Optical Distraction Zone” that pest birds hate. Also falling into this category are Bird Scare Balloons, which have large predator eyes to frighten pest birds. 

Next up is the Bird Spike. These spiked strips have threatening-looking stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate spikes that make it virtually impossible for pest birds to land. The blunted spikes are harmless to birds and humans. Bird spikes are a highly effective bird deterrent used on rooftops, signs, building ledges and other flat areas.

Many restaurants know the advantages of using a simple, but highly effective pest bird deterrent known as the Bird Spider. This device incorporates spider-like arms that wave menacingly in the breeze to keep pest birds going near it. The Spider arms come in different lengths to create ever-wider diameters of deterrent for different bird sizes.

Another noteworthy pest bird deterrent is the Bird Slope. These PVC panels offer a very slippery surface that birds find impossible to set foot on. The panels are easy to install and ideal for eaves, ledges, beams and other 90-degree crannies where pest birds try to nest. Working in just the opposite mode is Bird Gel, which leaves a sticky surface birds hate to land on. It's safe for most birds and is easily applied using a caulking gun on any flat or curved surface.

For large areas like groves, vineyards, airplane hangars, warehouses, there's almost no substitute for Bird Netting. This bird deterrent comes in various mesh sizes to keep out a wide assortment of pest birds--including sparrows, pigeons, starlings and seagulls. The best netting is flame resistant, U.V. stabilized, and rot and waterproof. Non-conductive netting is also available for installation near electrical power equipment.
Also making the list of viable bird repellents are Foggers and Misters. Ideal for groves and vineyards, these systems spray a food-grade, non-lethal aerosol of methyl anthranilate. The stuff is harmless to birds, but it does irritate them when they fly through it. And one pass is enough to keep them away for a long time.

A bird repellent pest birds really hate is the Electric Track Repellant. Birds set one foot on these devices and ZAP, they get a jolt of juice they won't soon forget. The harmless electric shock is safe for birds and humans. Ideal for pigeons, seagulls and larger birds, the best electric tracks have a flow-through design to prevent water from pooling around them and leaking into nearby surfaces.

Finishing up with a version of the sound bird deterrent, we leave you with Audio Bird Repellents. Ideal for parking garages, overhangs and other enclosed areas, these sonic systems emit predator and distress calls that discourage pest birds from coming near. They are particularly effective against pigeons, sparrows, starlings, and seagulls.

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bird Repellents for Better Bird Control

by Alex A. Kecskes

Every year, pest birds take their toll on property, public and private. They cause millions of dollars in damage, necessitating expensive repairs and cleanups. Without effective bird repellents, parks, golf courses and properties with ponds, pools or fountains can be quickly contaminated with bird droppings. This is especially true when geese decide to make these areas their home. Once established, geese are often difficult to force away from an area. Grackles, blackbirds and crows often gather by the thousands at roosts, leaving acres of droppings that have the potential to cause human disease.

Some pest birds may be live-trapped, but releasing these birds miles from the capture site has proven ineffective as the birds often return. The use of firearms offers only limited control of unprotected species, because these lethal methods are time-consuming and impractical in dealing with large numbers of birds. Moreover, local laws often prohibit the discharge of firearms within city or county limits. Poisons or avicides have their own set of problems, not the least of which is danger to pets and children.

Bird Repellents to the Rescue

Property owners and facilities managers have come to realize that when it comes to pest birds, it's best to take a pro-active approach. Bird repellants have come a long way since the days of shotguns and poisons. Today's bird repellants are humane and highly effective. Here are just a few you might consider:

Chemical Bird Repellents

Effective for use against most bird species, Chemical Bird Repellents create an uncomfortable sticky landing area for pest birds. After a few steps, they just move to more hospitable grounds. Ideal for keeping birds off ledges, trees, fences and bushes or shrubs, these repellents use a non-toxic liquid gel that's effective for small and large pest birds. The repellents are very economical, since a one-gallon container will usually treat 120 square feet. The chemical is easily applied using a hand or pressure spray gun with a discharge pressure between 40 to 150 psi (these hand-held pump sprayers can be found at local hardware stores). One application usually lasts up to six months outdoors. This is also a humane way to repel pest birds because the chemical is non-toxic so it won't harm birds or people. One caveat: Avoid using chemical bird repellents on building structures, vertical or porous surfaces, or where birds have been nesting.

Chemical Goose Repellents

A highly effective and affordable goose control measure, Chemical Spray Goose Repellents are ideal for use in parks, shorelines, golf courses, cemeteries, lawns, yards, landscaping, shrubs, or any grass areas where geese have become a problem. The non-toxic liquid makes grass unpalatable to geese so they just move on to tastier food sources. Formulated from a grape extract that irritates geese, the chemical is safe for pets, geese and humans.
The best geese spray repellents can be easily applied using most commercially available hand-held sprayers. One turf spray is a liquid concentrate that you simply mix with water (one part concentrate with 12 parts water). The application procedure is straightforward. After mowing the lawn area to be treated, apply an initial application, then wait about a week, and repeat the process. Two applications last for up to three months. The chemical won’t wash off with rain or water. The repellent's effectiveness varies with the weather, repellent concentration, and frequency of application. The best goose repellent is registered with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Fogging Agents

Dispersed as a fog, these chemical bird repellents irritate a nerve in a bird's mucus membrane and "convinces" it to leave in a hurry. The chemical, which won't harm birds, people or pets, is a food-grade methyl anthranilate--basically a non-lethal grape extract regulated by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) under FIFRA (the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act). Bird fogging is an ideal pest bird repellent for use indoors or out. It works exceptionally well against a number of annoying pest birds--including gulls, mallards, Canada geese, pigeons, starlings, blackbirds, and cowbirds. Fogging agents are best used in the early morning or late evening when flocks are typically eating and at their highest concentration. These chemicals require training to handle and apply, and should therefore be used by professionals.

Bird fogging agents are often strategically applied in the most troublesome areas. They can, for example, help clear airport runways and tarmacs of pest birds posing a danger to incoming and outgoing aircraft. It's not unusual for birds to get sucked into jet engines or collide with the rotating props of small planes and helicopters. These agents are also ideal for repelling pest birds that have decided to make golf courses their home. It's not uncommon to see birds eating away at fairways and greens, or defacing golf carts, awnings, tables and chairs at the 19th hole. And if pest birds have commandeered your parking garage, one quick way to convince them to leave is by fogging the area.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Growers: Looking for a Bird Repellent?

by Alex A. Kecskes
As a grower, you have your own special pest bird headaches. Historically, vineyards, fields and orchards used to be smaller and intermixed with other crops. Today, they're far more expansive and crops are much sweeter. This can attract huge flocks and frenzied feeding that can totally destroy a crop. A flock of 5,000 starlings, for example, can consume up to one ton of food in just 10 days. You know that grackles, gulls and starlings can be a problem, but so can robins, orioles, and mockingbirds, especially for grape and tender fruit growers. All the more reason to look for an effective bird repellent.

Over the years, you've learned a few things about pest birds. For one, large flocks are easier to scare than small ones. It's also tough to break birds of the habit of feeding in any one area once they've decided to make your property their home. Worse yet, birds feeding on your crop will draw other birds to feed. You've learned too, that birds quickly become immune to uniform movements or noise patterns. And that crops protected with netting are still vulnerable to birds perching on nets that feed through them.

The problem is, you've tried rotating propane exploder cannons ("bird-bangers"), hawk silhouettes, stuffed owls and snakes, even toxic baits, but those pest birds just keep on coming. Eating up profits. What you have is a "failure to communicate." What you need is a really good bird repellant.

Not to worry. There are all sorts of ways to repel pest birds without resorting to firearms, stuffed hawks or poisons. These repellants include everything from low cost to high-tech. Best of all, they're humane, easy to install, and they work.

Probably the best place to start is one of the most economical bird repellent--the Bird Chaser. Birds don't like shiny things that wave at them while they're trying to land. And Bird Chasers do just that. They employ iridescent reflective foil or flash tape, balloons, and banners  to create what's known as an “Optical Distraction Zone." The balloons come in all shapes and sizes, some even sport giant threatening eyes. Be sure to install these above the crop for best effect. And allow them to move freely in the breeze. String streamers and flash tape along perimeter rows where pest birds cause the most damage. And swap them out often.
Speaking of scary eyes, a bird repellent called a Bird Chaser uses scare-eye images to keep pest birds at bay. It's easy to install and quite effective. One manufacturer offers a two for one chaser with iridescent foil eyes on one side and glow-in-the-dark eyes on the other side for night use.

To keep birds from landing on barns, sheds, silos and other buildings on your orchard, you might try the Bird Spike. This highly effective bird repellent discourages birds from landing through the use of intimidating looking spikes. The spikes are attached to strips (about 2 feet or so in length) and you can get them in either stainless steel or rigid unbreakable polycarbonate. The poly spikes cost less and are ideal for use in areas where the electrical conductivity of steel spikes could present a problem. Both are harmless to birds and easy to install.

Another thing you might try is Bird Netting. It's a good bird repellent for warehouses, barns and other structures. Netting comes in 3/4", 1-1/8" and 2" mesh sizes to repel sparrows, starlings, pigeons, and larger birds. The best netting is made of ISO 1806 mesh test polyethylene fabric. For long life, look for nets that are U.V. stabilized, flame resistant, and rot and waterproof. For best effect, drape nets directly on top of the crop (or trees), or tie them to an overhead structure to enclose the vineyard or orchard. Be sure to drape nets high enough so birds can't access your crop.

Last up is one bird repellent that has worked for a wide range of orchards, vineyards and other open areas. These fall into the category of the Fogger/Mister. They use powerful aerosol systems to create a food-grade, non-lethal mist of methyl anthranilate. This misted chemical won't harm birds, man or beast, and is FDA-approved. Birds fly through the mist and it makes them want to scatter in all directions and never come back. Some Fog/Mist systems area equipped with remote spray units and come with adjustable spray nozzles to reach specific trouble zones.

So put away that shotgun or cannon and give that stuffed Hawk to you kid's school.  You've got some real bird repellent alternatives.
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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bird Repellents for Better Bird Control

by Alex A. Kecskes

Every year, pest birds take their toll on property, public and private. They cause millions of dollars in damage, necessitating expensive repairs and cleanups. Without effective bird repellents, parks, golf courses and properties with ponds, pools or fountains can be quickly contaminated with bird droppings. This is especially true when geese decide to make these areas their home. Once established, geese are often difficult to force away from an area. Grackles, blackbirds and crows often gather by the thousands at roosts, leaving acres of droppings that have the potential to cause human disease.

Some pest birds may be live-trapped, but releasing these birds miles from the capture site has proven ineffective as the birds often return. The use of firearms offers only limited control of unprotected species, because these lethal methods are time-consuming and impractical in dealing with large numbers of birds. Moreover, local laws often prohibit the discharge of firearms within city or county limits. Poisons or avicides have their own set of problems, not the least of which is danger to pets and children.

Bird Repellents to the Rescue

Property owners and facilities managers have come to realize that when it comes to pest birds, it's best to take a pro-active approach. Bird repellants have come a long way since the days of shotguns and poisons. Today's bird repellants are humane and highly effective. Here are just a few you might consider:

Chemical Bird Repellents

Effective for use against most bird species, Chemical Bird Repellents create an uncomfortable sticky landing area for pest birds. After a few steps, they just move to more hospitable grounds. Ideal for keeping birds off ledges, trees, fences and bushes or shrubs, these repellents use a non-toxic liquid gel that's effective for small and large pest birds. The repellents are very economical, since a one-gallon container will usually treat 120 square feet. The chemical is easily applied using a hand or pressure spray gun with a discharge pressure between 40 to 150 psi (these hand-held pump sprayers can be found at local hardware stores). One application usually lasts up to six months outdoors. This is also a humane way to repel pest birds because the chemical is non-toxic so it won't harm birds or people. One caveat: Avoid using chemical bird repellents on building structures, vertical or porous surfaces, or where birds have been nesting.

Chemical Goose Repellents

 A highly effective and affordable goose control measure, Chemical Spray Goose Repellents are ideal for use in parks, shorelines, golf courses, cemeteries, lawns, yards, landscaping, shrubs, or any grass areas where geese have become a problem. The non-toxic liquid makes grass unpalatable to geese so they just move on to tastier food sources. Formulated from a grape extract that irritates geese, the chemical is safe for pets, geese and humans.

The best goose repellents can be easily applied using most commercially available hand-held sprayers. One turf spray is a liquid concentrate that you simply mix with water (one part concentrate with 12 parts water). The application procedure is straightforward. After mowing the lawn area to be treated, apply an initial application, then wait about a week, and repeat the process. Two applications last for up to three months. The chemical won’t wash off with rain or water. The repellent's effectiveness varies with the weather, repellent concentration, and frequency of application. The best goose repellent is registered with the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency.
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